Heating & Cooling Engineering Solutions
Heat Networks
Heat Networks (also known as communal or district heating schemes) are the net zero solution of choice for supplying low carbon heating, hot water, and/or cooling efficiently to modern-day apartment blocks and play a central role in the Energy Act 2023, supporting the UK’s delivery of Net Zero targets.
The benefits of the economies of scale have been identified by national government, and now the use of advanced technology and carefully engineered heat networks is almost standard practice for more densely populated urban environments.
As a result, the Climate Change Committee estimates that heat networks could serve 8 million customers by 2030 and provide 20% of the UK’s heating requirements by 2050.
Seemingly subtle improvements to the heat network solution can deliver significant returns. Here’s how we work alongside key stakeholders to deliver a system that’s reliable, environmentally friendly and cost effective for the long term. Find out more about Heat Networks by clicking below:
Heat Networks, Energy Centres and Net Zero
The UK government has identified heat network systems as one of the pillars to delivering net zero by 2050, and now the use of carefully engineered heat networks is standard practice in more densely populated urban environments.
When maintained and operated correctly, this evolving technology has the potential to outperform conventional gas-based heating systems, providing a reliable supply at an affordable cost. However, these benefits are only possible when managing agents avoid the common pitfalls and adopt best practice for their maintenance regimes, which is where we deliver.
From handover onwards, we optimise asset performance to ensure it benefits from fewer energy losses, reduced carbon emissions and enhanced energy efficiency. These complex systems can only perform to their optimum when operated correctly, which requires competent and qualified staffing to deliver the low carbon benefit.
Heat/Cooling Interface Units
The heat network principle works by generating energy in a centralised energy centre and distributing it to individual apartment-level Heat Interface Units (HIU’s).
As the name suggests, HIU’s act as an interface between the energy centre and the point of use within a home, providing the end user with fully a controllable heat, cooling and water supply on a 24/7/365 basis, which can be adjusted to suit personal preferences.
In most cases HIU’s cater for metering, which ensures the “Heat Supplier” can comply with the Heat Regulations by billing residents based on their actual consumption.
How does it work?

HIU Maintenance
Whilst the HIU concept is simple, they are integral to the overall operation of heat networks. As would be expected, HIUs have complex servicing and maintenance requirements, which can lead to significant problems if not considered as part of the common maintenance strategy.
We often find issues arise due to poor or limited understanding of where Landlord responsibility ends, and Lessee responsibility commences in relation to these units. This can lead to conflict if the Managing Agent or Landlord do not have an adequate understanding of how these systems are operated and maintained.
Our engineers have extensive knowledge of these units, and have trained with leading HIU manufacturers including Altecnic, Bosch, Danfoss, SAV, Inta, YGHP and many more.

Cooling Systems
Every heat network is different. Some only provide heating and hot water, while others are more complex and will have cooling, cold water and in some cases, electricity.
Air conditioning helps to ensure air quality and eliminates the need to open windows. This is especially useful within urbanised communities, hospitals, restaurants, technical or computing environments, to preserve a clean, temperature-controlled environment.
Our Refcom registered AC engineers will tailor a maintenance regime that meets all HVCA and Safe Contractor guidelines, encompassing environmental control and ventilation services, refrigeration, and comfort cooling.
Looking for a Total Heat and Energy Management Provider?

Our partner company, Data Energy, is a leader in energy management through data analytics. Together, we now offer a complete solution for your heat networks and energy needs, from maintenance to metering & billing and energy procurement. Together, we’re driving sustainability, ensuring regulatory compliance, and freeing you to focus on what you do best.

We deliver energy solutions that deliver sustainable and financial returns.
Our objective is simple; to provide industry knowledge that supports property managers in a sector that’s continually evolving, encompassing heat, gas, electricity, water and renewables.
Working nationally, our team of energy managers, engineers and technical consultants help to control all aspects of procurement and supply, so you can focus on the day job.
Insights and Resources
5 Maintenance Tips Every Property Manager Needs to Know
We know that property management can feel like a constant juggling act. From balancing budgets to responding to resident's demands, there’s always something needing your attention. One area that often gets overlooked - until there’s an emergency - are your heating and...
Mind The Gap How to Get on Track: Navigating the Route to Heat Network Compliance
How to Get on Track for Compliance: Ready to bridge your heat network’s compliance gap? If you’re a property manager, you’ve likely noticed the buzz around new regulations for heat networks. These changes, as anticipated under the watchful eye of OFGEM, promise...
Webinar: A Heat Network Masterclass for Property Managers
This webinar gives you an opportunity to get a clear overview of your responsibilities and learn practical strategies for streamlining your operations. 📆 27 November 2024 ⏰ 11:00 – 12:30 This first webinar offers a straightforward overview of compliance...
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5 Maintenance Tips Every Property Manager Needs to Know
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Mind The Gap How to Get on Track: Navigating the Route to Heat Network Compliance
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